Foam systems

Foam fire suppression systems

High, medium and low expansion foam fire-extinguishing systems and equipment, suitable for high-risk environments.

High, medium and low expansion systems and equipment
The ideal solution for high-risk fires

Foams, like wetting agents, are the preferred fire-exstinguishing solutions in the industrial sector because they are particularly suitable for suppressing hydrocarbon fires. In the case of fires involving liquid fuels, in fact, the extinguishing action of water alone is not suitable because, being heavier than the fuel, which tends to float, it would only encourage the spread of flames. One solution to overcome this type of risk is the use of a mixture of water and concentrated foam capable of generating, through special lances, a foam capable of floating on the surface of the liquid fuel and extinguishing the fire by cooling and suppressing hydrocarbon vapours.

The mixture of water and foam can be used in both fixed and mobile systems, sized and structured according to the indications provided by the reference technical standards.

How it works

Fire-suppression foam is composed of a mass of bubbles generated by a mixture of water and concentrated foam, in a percentage that can vary from 3% to 6%. The mass of bubbles has a lower weight than the same aqueous solution from which it derives and, in general, than all combustible liquids, therefore it floats on the surface of the ignited products forming a continuous, insulating and vapour-impermeable blanket. This phenomenon involves the mechanical separation of the fuel from the comburent. Furthermore, thanks to the high percentage of water it is composed of, the foam exerts a high cooling power that reduces the quantity of vapours emitted by the fuel.

Depending on the expansion ratio (litres of foam obtained from each litre of water-foam mixture) foams are divided into:

  • low expansion foam: ratio from 5 to 20
  • medium expansion foam: ratio from 20 to 200
  • high expansion foam: ratio from 200 to 1000




Transport and Infrastructure

Transport and Infrastructure


Foam System, Parts & Accessories

A foam system is designed to meet stringent standards.
Our product portfolio includes high, medium and low expansion foam equipment, as well as a wide range of components and accessories:

  • Mixing Systems
  • Foam Proportioners
  • Portable Foam Lances
  • Stationary Foam Lances
  • Foam Chambers & Pourers
  • Foam Nozzles
  • Water/Foam Nozzles
  • Foam Storage Systems
  • High Expansion Foam Generators
  • Fire Monitors
  • Carts & Accessories
  • Fire Stations


Foam System Parts

The main components of a foam system are:

1 Water supply systems: fire-fighting water reserve, pumping station and fire-fighting water distribution network.

2 Foam storage systems: closed containers capable of reducing contact and oxidation of the air and the consequent degradation. Atmospheric domed cylindrical tanks sized for an intervention duration of 30 min ÷ 1 hour, are therefore suitable.

3 Mixing systems:

  • Ad hoc systems that proportion the foam exclusively by the Venturi effect (depression)
  • Systems that proportion the foam, made available at a pressure higher than that of the water, by means of a dosing valve (pressure)
  • Systems that operate on diversified operating principles, proportion the foam by automatically raising its pressure to a value higher than that of the water (automatic proportioners)

1 Dispensing systems: dispensing systems constitute the terminal part of fixed and mobile systems and/or equipment and are represented by: low, medium and high expansion lances, pourers, monitors, low and medium expansion nozzles, foam chambers, ... The type of dispenser depends on the type of system.

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